Harold Ford Celebrates 50 years in Mark Masonry
14th October 2013
Brother Harold Ford joined Mark Masonry on May 1st 1963. Not in our fine Province, but in the equally exotic location of Kuwait!  Monday 14th October saw the meeting that celebrated that long and varied Mark career, at Friendship Mark Lodge No 1549 in Southport.
Andy Whittle with first prize (re donated)
Bro Harold Ford before the Celebration
Naturally, to mark such an important milestone, the Provincial Grand Master Peter Connolly, Deputy PGM Keith Beardmore and Assistant PGM Ian Nairn, along with the whole Provincial Team (27 in number) were in attendance. David Emmerson Prov. DC, assisted by Ray Pye, soon whipped the acting officers into shape for procession and recession, and told us all where to stand. Harold was excited, but also a little nervous before the meeting, but Peter Connolly soon put him at ease with a light-hearted recital of Harold's Masonic career, much of which has been carried out in the Middle East.
Craft Masons were welcomed
Deputy Sword Bearer wins a prize
Giles Berkley Prov GSW
Harold Ford with Giles Berkley and Peter Hegarty
Harold was at times apparently a little emotional at the memories which came flooding back, but was visibly shocked when the PGM stood, commanded his Provincial Wardens Giles Berkley and Peter Hegarty to stand, and opened Provincial Grand Lodge! The Lodge was in stunned silence as Peter Connolly appointed Bro Harold Ford to the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer, at which the tension broke, and the whole audience burst forth with a huge round of applause. The meeting was graced with the presence of 5 Craft Masons, there to support their friend Harold, but we didn't tell them any of our signs or secrets...
Giles checks the wages are in order
The toast his good friend Harold Ford
Harold Ford PPrAGStdB. 50 years a Mark Mason
Harold spoke of his like in Kuwait to great acclaim
The recession from the Lodge led smoothly to a very noisy and happy festive board, with everyone clearly enjoying themselves tremendously. Ian Nairn, Asst.PGM spoke for the Grand officers, and then proposed the toast to the PGM, who stood and spoke with his usual consummate ability and skill.
Howard Emmett, Prov. Charity Steward
Howard with Ian Nairn, Asst PGM
The WM attacks Ian Nairn with a pink bowl!
Ian Nairn and Harold Ford with Peter Connolly PGM

It was then my turn to propose the toast to my friend Harold Hall. It is never an easy thing to follow our PGM, but I did my best, speaking from the heart about a truly caring Mason, who has served as Almoner for his Craft Lodge, Neptune (my father's Lodge), for 26 years! He has also looked after my mum for 40 years, since my father passed to higher service. I asked the audience if they knew of any other organisation, or person, who looks after the widow of a former member for 40 years? Well, Freemasonry does, and Harold Ford does! He was applauded loudly, and we all stood to honour the toast to our celebrant. Harold then spoke eloquently and fascinatingly about his work in the Middle East, working for the big oil companies, transporting the gathered brethren to the 60s and 70s in a land of opulence and hard times in equal measure. He finished his speech to a standing ovation, and wine served to seal our toast to him.

PGM with Harold Ford
PGM speaks to great acclaim
Dave Emmerson waits patiently
Ron Basnett, Tony Christie, Harold Ford & Robert Hall
Tony Farrar, WM of Philadelphia Mark
WM Terence Tasker present Bob Hall with a prize
The assembled crowd were treated to a West Houghton raffle performed by Peter Hegarty, which raised a goodly sum of money, and a place card raffle for which our celebrant had kindly donated a nice set of 3 fine wines, naturally won by Andy Whittle. Bob Hall swept away the soap and perfume prize for Carol, and Deputy Sword Bearer Steve Clarke, who acted on the night, won some wine, which he resolutely refused to open in the car on the way back to Cleveleys, as he gave me a lift home. Never mind.
The party continued in the bar afterwards, and we will all long remember this wonderful celebration.
Words and story by Giles Berkley Prov GSW